I got hold of a red console from MCB Performance in Michigan. The original console was broken at the end and had numerous holes drilled into it by the previous owner. The new one will surely tie the interior together, as the Dude would say. You can tell it was designed fourty years ago by the complete absence of anything like a cupholder!
New pics from the bodyshop.
Things are coming together on the nose of the 'Cuda. The fenders are straight...
The last wrinkles have been treated.
Driver side quarter.
Sadly that pretty much wraps it up until september since the bodyshop is closing down for summer holidays. They will be back on the job with new energy at the end of august, I hope it won't take long from then...
After quite a while, the 'Cuda is coming together again and looking somewhat like a car once again.
The hood, the front fenders, the panel that's in front of the hood and the front valance are bolted to the car to check for imperfections in the surface - yes, there are plenty - and for fit and proper alignement.

All of the spots that need attention are marked , so the finished surface will look good.