It took some persuasion from the trusty rust remover to get everything apart without using raw force so not to damage the old plastic! In an obvious attempt to keep moisture out the previous owner used an ample amount of silicone and other adhesives on the lights which are now quite a pain to remove.
Finally some parts on the 'Cuda that aren't craked, broken, rusted or bent beyond repair. The original light bezels only needed a thourough cleaning with soapy water to look like new again.
I couldn't resist having the chrome trim recromed. Only three very thin frames around the light bars are visible after assembly but I fell for that just as well.
Unfortunately the metal frames that go over the lights did not stand the test of time as well as the other parts. They are not cracked or broken, they are pitted with countless tiny holes around the edges. As I do want to retain the original pieces I will try to work them over with body filler and sand them back down...see where that brings me.
Unfortunately the metal frames that go over the lights did not stand the test of time as well as the other parts. They are not cracked or broken, they are pitted with countless tiny holes around the edges. As I do want to retain the original pieces I will try to work them over with body filler and sand them back down...see where that brings me.